Essays & Articles
Devotional & Ministry Related
“Space, Sinai, and Super Blooms,” contributed to Redbud Post, May 1, 2023
“Teach. Pray. Love. (The Sacred Work of the Public School Teacher),” Propel Sophia, February 1, 2023.
“Pajama Discipleship: Building Biblical Literacy in Young People,” contributed to Redbud Post, September 1, 2021.
“The ‘Withness’ of Jesus,” contributed to Redbud Post, May 1, 2021.
"This Rocking Chair," The MOPS Magazine (in print), Summer 2020 issue.
“Lie-Vines and Fear-Thorns,” contributed to Women Who Lead, November 15, 2019.
“Grabbed By Group Learning: An Unexpected Sensory Experience,” Living Education, September 3. 2020.
“From Pumpkins to Puberty: The Benefits of Learning Together,” Living Education, Spring 2018.
“On Writing In Education: a model from a homeschool mom,” May 2018.

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